Deze e-learning wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de University of Arizona. De e-learning is al jaren in de VS geaccrediteerd voor 8,75 CME (Amerikaanse accreditatie) voor alle artsen. De kwaliteit is hoogstaand en er wordt gewerkt met verschillende werkvormen (interactieve casuistiek, quizen en video). De geschatte tijdsinvestering is 8,75 uur. Alle onderdelen zijn engels, zo ook de toelichting hieronder.

Anti-inflammatory diet

There is strong evidence that chronic inflammation is a major driver of many chronic diseases including diabetes, heart disease, digestive disorders and certain cancers. Taking advantage of all the current data on nutrition and its impact on inflammation, the anti-inflammatory diet is based upon dietary patterns found in traditional Mediterranean and Asian eating habits. The diet is designed to replace inflammation-triggering foods with nutrient-rich micro and macronutrients that fight inflammation.

This freshly updated course provides clinicians with an in-depth understanding of how to counsel patients on dietary strategies that can reduce inflammation, decrease the risk for many chronic diseases, and improve mood and energy levels.

Course objectives:

  • Describe the role of inflammation in overall health and specific medical conditions.
  • Explain the relationship between dietary intake and systemic inflammation.
  • Identify specific dietary components that can increase inflammation in the body.
  • Summarize the evidence for eating patterns that are associated with lower levels of systemic inflammation.


  • Introduction – Learn the components of the anti-inflammatory diet, and how food and nutrition can help in the amelioration of certain conditions.
  • Understanding Inflammation – An explanation of how long-term inflammation can contribute to, and even cause, numerous unhealthy conditions.
  • Inflammation: Clinical Correlation – An overview of a variety of conditions influenced by inflammation and diet.
  • AI Diet as an Eating Pattern – Get a detailed description of the food groups that comprise an anti-inflammatory diet, a sample meal plan, and a Patient Waiting Room to apply these concepts.
  • Exam
  • Evaluation

Target Audience

Physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and dietitians.

Completion Requirements

Complete all the course work, course evaluation, and the final test with a score of 70% or better. Upon successful completion you will be able to print your certificate of completion.


  • Laura Micek-Galinat, MD MD; Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine University of Arizona
  • Lise Alschuler, ND; Assistant Director, Fellowship Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine; Professor, Department of Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson
  • Tamara Steinitz ; Director Didactic Program in Dietetics, Utah State University; Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
  • Priscilla Abercrombie, RN, NP, PhD, AHN-BC, PhD; Clinical Professor UCSF Departments of Family Health Care Nursing and Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


Je kunt de e-learning online bestellen. Binnen 3 werkdagen ontvang je via de mail de inlogcodes en kun je aan de slag. Bij de afronding van de e-learning ontvang je direct per mail je certificaat. Op het moment van inschrijving heb je 30 dagen om de e-learning af te ronden. Deze periode kan altijd kosteloos met 30 dagen extra worden verlengd.


AVIG: Deze e-learning is voor 8,75 punten  algemeen medische nascholing (AMN), integrale nascholing (IG) of natuurgeneeskunde nascholing (NG) naar keuze bij de AVIG geaccrediteerd.

KNMG: Voor huisartsen, medische specialisten en andere artsen: Ondanks dat deze elearning voor Amerikaanse artsen geaccrediteerd is, heeft de KNMG geen accreditatiepunten toegekend. Wel is het mogelijk -zoals vaker bij internationale scholingen/congressen- om met het Amerikaanse certificaat (8,75 CME) dat je per mail ontvangt, bij je eigen wetenschappelijke vereniging een individueel verzoek tot accreditatie in te dienen.

Organisatie nascholing:

Drs. Simone Ardesch
Voor informatie mail:


Voor deze scholing zijn de algemene voorwaarden van de ASIMH van toepassing


Course objectives:

  • Describe the role of inflammation in overall health and specific medical conditions.
  • Explain the relationship between dietary intake and systemic inflammation.
  • Identify specific dietary components that can increase inflammation in the body.
  • Summarize the evidence for eating patterns that are associated with lower levels of systemic inflammation.


  • Introduction – Learn the components of the anti-inflammatory diet, and how food and nutrition can help in the amelioration of certain conditions.
  • Understanding Inflammation – An explanation of how long-term inflammation can contribute to, and even cause, numerous unhealthy conditions.
  • Inflammation: Clinical Correlation – An overview of a variety of conditions influenced by inflammation and diet.
  • AI Diet as an Eating Pattern – Get a detailed description of the food groups that comprise an anti-inflammatory diet, a sample meal plan, and a Patient Waiting Room to apply these concepts.
  • Exam
  • Evaluation


  • Laura Micek-Galinat, MD MD; Associate Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine University of Arizona
  • Lise Alschuler, ND; Assistant Director, Fellowship Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine; Professor, Department of Medicine University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson
  • Tamara Steinitz ; Director Didactic Program in Dietetics, Utah State University; Assistant Clinical Professor, University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine
  • Priscilla Abercrombie, RN, NP, PhD, AHN-BC, PhD; Clinical Professor UCSF Departments of Family Health Care Nursing and Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences


Op zelf gekozen moment te volgen
8,75 accreditatiepunten AVIG en/of 8,75 CME (Amerikaanse artsen-punten)
Sprekers (o.a.):
o.a. medisch specialisten van de University of Arizona

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