Deze e-learning wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de University of Arizona. De e-learning is al jaren in de VS geaccrediteerd voor  14,75CME (Amerikaanse accreditatie) voor alle artsen en is onderdeel van het 2-jarige fellowship Integrative Medicine van Dr. Weil. De kwaliteit is hoogstaand en er wordt gewerkt met verschillende werkvormen (interactieve casuistiek, quizen en video). De geschatte tijdsinvestering is 14,75 uur. Alle onderdelen zijn in het engels, zo ook de toelichting hieronder.

Breastcancer: an integrative approach

One out of every eight women in the US will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime, a number that has been increasing steadily over the past decade. The prevalence of breast cancer in men is also on the rise. Given the number of breast cancer diagnoses, practitioners must be equipped with up-to-date, comprehensive information about prevention, treatment, and survivorship.

Breast cancer treatment is complex and demanding. It is important that busy providers have the tools they can incorporate into conventional cancer treatment — integrative interventions that new research shows can impact not only quality of life but also cancer-specific outcomes. These powerful integrative adjuvants include stress management, exercise, sleep, and diet.

Practitioners trained in an integrative medicine model have the potential to improve outcomes, encourage optimism and resilience, and teach innovative, effective approaches to self-care in their patients. Information in this course will help practitioners better serve patients with breast cancer in all stages of treatment.


Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
Participants will be able to:

  • List key risk factors for breast cancer and identify modifiable risk factors.
  • Gain familiarity with the role of risk reduction in breast cancer.
  • Understand the Society’s recommendations, indications, and limitations of breast cancer screening.
  • Define strategies to help patients address modifiable risk factors, including alcohol intake, physical activity, and obesity.
  • Discuss the role of dietary patterns and nutrition in breast cancer risk reduction.
  • Recognize the contributors and impact of insulin resistance in breast cancer risk.
  • Develop familiarity with lifestyle strategies to lower insulin resistance.
  • Review the role of environmental endocrine disruptors as risk factors for breast cancer.
  • Recognize genetic variants and mammographic findings that identify women at high risk for breast cancer and appropriately refer those patients for genetic screening, intensive surveillance, and risk reduction.
  • Apply evidence-based integrative approaches to breast cancer risk reduction using case-based learning.

Breast Cancer Treatment
Participants will be able to:

  • Gain an appreciation of the role of biopsy in breast cancer diagnosis.
  • Discuss surgical options for breast cancer treatment and reconstructive surgery.
  • Gain insight into how to support patient dialogue and decision-making from a benefits:risk perspective in their surgical treatment decision-making.
  • Assess methods used to optimize surgical outcomes, improve patient experience, and reduce the risk of surgical complications.
  • Describe classes of drug therapies and radiation therapy for breast cancer treatment, their associated adverse effects, and evidence-based approaches to prevent or minimize these effects.
  • Recognize the Traditional Chinese Medicine interpretation of the causes and treatment approaches to breast cancer, especially the use of acupuncture for addressing some of the adverse effects of conventional treatment.
  • Evaluate commonly used mind-body medicine approaches used to prepare and support women during breast cancer treatment.
  • Discuss the clinical evidence for nutrition, exercise, mind-body approaches, whole systems approaches, and dietary supplements which have been shown to improve the efficacy and/or mitigate adverse side effects of breast cancer chemotherapy.
  • Discuss the clinical evidence for integrative strategies which mitigate adverse side effects of breast cancer radiation therapy.
  • Apply evidence-based integrative medicine strategies to breast cancer using case-based learning that addresses a variety of diagnostic and treatment scenarios.

Breast Cancer Survivorship
Participants will be able to:

  • Discuss guidelines for post-treatment surveillance.
  • Gain familiarity with monitoring breast cancer patients for treatment-related effects and signs of recurrence post-treatment.
  • Discuss integrative medicine strategies, inclusive of diet, physical activity, stress management, and dietary supplementation, to address modifiable risk factors for breast cancer recurrence.
  • Demonstrate approaches to prevent or reduce symptoms of physical weakness, functional impairment, lymphedema, and cognitive and nerve damage caused by surgery and radiation therapy for breast cancer.
  • Identify the impact of long-term breast cancer endocrine therapy on general health, and discuss evidence-based integrative approaches to manage hot flashes, osteoporosis, and sexual function.
  • Assess evidence-based integrative medicine approaches to mental health after breast cancer treatment, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, and fatigue.
  • Apply evidence-based integrative medicine strategies in case-based learning format to address the complex needs of breast cancer survivors.

Target Audience

This online enduring material educational program is designed for physicians, advanced nurse practitioners, and physician assistants and other health care providers who have an interest in breast cancer treatment.

Educational Purpose

The educational purpose of Breast Cancer: An Integrative Approach is to provide practitioners with an overview of integrative prevention strategies and cancer care modalities and treatments that are beneficial for patients in active treatment and survivorship.

Completion Requirements

Complete all the coursework, course evaluation, and the final test with a score of 70% or better. You are allowed unlimited re-attempts. Upon successful completion, you will be able to print your certificate of completion.


  • Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP Co-Director of the Fellowship and Director of the Pediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
  • Dawn Lemanne, MD, MPH, Founder, Oregon Integrative Oncology, Ashland, OR
  • Steven Gurgevich, PhD, Clinical Asst Professor of Medicine and Director, The Mind-Body Clinic, Tucson, Arizona
  • Bridget Bongaard, MD, Medical Director, Islands Hospice, Kahului, HI
  • Pio Guerrero, MD, Attending Physician, Colorado Rehabilitation Specialists, Colorado Springs, CO
  • Adi Benito-Herrero, MD, Owner and Director, Princeton Integral Endocrinology, Princeton, NJ
  • Ayemoethu Ma, MD, Director of Breast Surgery, Mt. Sinai – St. Luke’s, New York, NY
  • James Holleman, MD, Surgeon, St. Luke’s Surgical Associates, Columbus, NC
  • Sharon Taylor, MD, Retired, Durham, NC
  • Maggi Coplin, MD, Oncologist, Oncology Locums, Chesterfield, MO
  • Diljeet Singh, MD, DrPH, Gynecologic Onocolgy, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Group, McLean, VA
  • Melanie Fiorella, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, UC San Diego Health, San Diego, CA
  • Jeffrey Baker, MD, Owner, The Healing Sanctuary, Idaho Falls, ID
  • Shilpa Saxena, MD, Founder/President, SevaMed Institute, Inc,Lutz, FL
  • Rena Zimmerman, MD, Radiation Oncologist, Midwest Radiation Oncology Consultants, McHenry, IL
  • Cheryl Beighle, MD, Partner, Pediatrician, Everett Clinic, Everett WA
  • Joanne Perron, MD, FACOG, Lecturer, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
  • Santosh Rao, MD, Medical Director of Integrative Medicine, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gilbert, AZ
  • Kathleen Sanders, FNP, Nurse Practitioner, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
  • Jingduan Yang, MD, Founder/Medical Director, Tao I nstitute of Mind & Body Medicine, Marlton, NJ
  • Leila Ali-Akbarian, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
  • Kathryn Hamilton, MA, RDN, CSO, CDN, FAND, Outpatient Oncology Dietitian, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
  • Jaimie Perkunas, DPT, E-RYT, Owner, Yoga Is Therapy, Tucson, AZ
  • Robbins, Justine, MEd, LMT, CLT, NCTMB, Lymphedema Therapist, Banner University of Arizona Cancer Center North, Tucson, AZ


Je kunt de e-learning online bestellen. Binnen 3 werkdagen ontvang je via de mail de inlogcodes en kun je aan de slag. Bij de afronding van de e-learning ontvang je direct per mail je certificaat. Op het moment van inschrijving heb je 30 dagen om de e-learning af te ronden. Deze periode kan altijd kosteloos met 30 dagen extra worden verlengd.


AVIG: Deze e-learning is voor 14,75 punten  algemeen medische nascholing (AMN), integrale nascholing (IG) of natuurgeneeskunde nascholing (NG) naar keuze bij de AVIG geaccrediteerd.

KNMG: Voor huisartsen, medische specialisten en andere artsen: Ondanks dat deze elearning voor Amerikaanse artsen geaccrediteerd is, heeft de KNMG geen accreditatiepunten toegekend. Wel is het mogelijk -zoals vaker bij internationale scholingen/congressen- om met het Amerikaanse certificaat (14,75 CME) dat je per mail ontvangt, bij je eigen wetenschappelijke vereniging een individueel verzoek tot accreditatie in te dienen.

Organisatie nascholing:

Drs. Simone Ardesch
Voor informatie mail:


Voor deze scholing zijn de algemene voorwaarden van de ASIMH van toepassing







Course Modules

Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
Breast Cancer & Insulin Resistance
Breast Cancer & the Environment
High-Risk Patients

Treatment Options
Reducing Adverse Effects of Drug Therapy
Reducing Adverse Effects of Radiation Therapy

Monitoring and Decreasing Recurrence Risk
Physical Rehabilitation in Breast Cancer Survivors
Endocrine Considerations
Mental Health and Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Evaluation
Breast Cancer Exam

  • Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP Co-Director of the Fellowship and Director of the Pediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency program at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
  • Dawn Lemanne, MD, MPH, Founder, Oregon Integrative Oncology, Ashland, OR
  • Steven Gurgevich, PhD, Clinical Asst Professor of Medicine and Director, The Mind-Body Clinic, Tucson, Arizona
  • Bridget Bongaard, MD, Medical Director, Islands Hospice, Kahului, HI
  • Pio Guerrero, MD, Attending Physician, Colorado Rehabilitation Specialists, Colorado Springs, CO
  • Adi Benito-Herrero, MD, Owner and Director, Princeton Integral Endocrinology, Princeton, NJ
  • Ayemoethu Ma, MD, Director of Breast Surgery, Mt. Sinai – St. Luke’s, New York, NY
  • James Holleman, MD, Surgeon, St. Luke’s Surgical Associates, Columbus, NC
  • Sharon Taylor, MD, Retired, Durham, NC
  • Maggi Coplin, MD, Oncologist, Oncology Locums, Chesterfield, MO
  • Diljeet Singh, MD, DrPH, Gynecologic Onocolgy, Mid-Atlantic Permanente Group, McLean, VA
  • Melanie Fiorella, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, UC San Diego Health, San Diego, CA
  • Jeffrey Baker, MD, Owner, The Healing Sanctuary, Idaho Falls, ID
  • Shilpa Saxena, MD, Founder/President, SevaMed Institute, Inc,Lutz, FL
  • Rena Zimmerman, MD, Radiation Oncologist, Midwest Radiation Oncology Consultants, McHenry, IL
  • Cheryl Beighle, MD, Partner, Pediatrician, Everett Clinic, Everett WA
  • Joanne Perron, MD, FACOG, Lecturer, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
  • Santosh Rao, MD, Medical Director of Integrative Medicine, Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center, Gilbert, AZ
  • Kathleen Sanders, FNP, Nurse Practitioner, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY
  • Jingduan Yang, MD, Founder/Medical Director, Tao I nstitute of Mind & Body Medicine, Marlton, NJ
  • Leila Ali-Akbarian, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
  • Kathryn Hamilton, MA, RDN, CSO, CDN, FAND, Outpatient Oncology Dietitian, Morristown Medical Center, Morristown, NJ
  • Jaimie Perkunas, DPT, E-RYT, Owner, Yoga Is Therapy, Tucson, AZ
  • Robbins, Justine, MEd, LMT, CLT, NCTMB, Lymphedema Therapist, Banner University of Arizona Cancer Center North, Tucson, AZ


Op zelf gekozen moment te volgen
14,75 accreditatiepunten AVIG en/of 14,75 CME (Amerikaanse artsen-punten)
Sprekers (o.a.):
o.a. medisch specialisten van the University of Arizona

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