Deze e-learning wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de University of Arizona. De e-learning is al jaren in de VS geaccrediteerd voor 7.25 AMA (Amerikaanse accreditatie) voor alle artsen. De kwaliteit is hoogstaand en er wordt gewerkt met verschillende werkvormen (interactieve casuistiek, quizen en video). De geschatte tijdsinvestering is 7.25 uur. Alle onderdelen zijn engels, zo ook de toelichting hieronder.
Build on your integrative knowledge, in this course focused on addressing patients with depression. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), in 2020, one in five adults in the US reported a diagnosis of depression by their health provider. Depression is a major contributor to morbidity, mortality, and economic cost. It cuts across socioeconomic boundaries, race, age, and gender and is associated with serious comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease, obesity, chronic pain, diabetes, and substance abuse.
Within conventional practice, the combined use of antidepressant medications and psychotherapy has been considered the standard recommendation for the treatment of all patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Increasingly, however, the reliance on medications has been questioned in the scientific literature.
For patients to have access to safe and evidence-based integrative approaches, a shift in focus and priorities of funding within the society as a whole are needed. Given the significant impact of depression on patients’ lives, safer and more efficacious therapeutic approaches to depression are urgently needed, a fact that has lent momentum to the development of integrative approaches to this complex illness. Expand your ability to support your patients with an integrative approach to depression.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the public health impact of depression, including suicide rates and disparities across age, gender, race, and geographic location.
- Discuss concerns related to medication-focused treatment of depression.
- Review etiological factors for depression.
- Identify symptoms of depression.
- List medical problems and disease states known to cause or are associated with depression.
- Identify medications with depression as potential adverse effects.
- Review conventional treatment approaches for depression.
- Assess the evidence for the safety and benefit of complementary and integrative approaches/practices in the treatment of depression.
- Assess the evidence for the safety and benefit of supplements and botanicals in the treatment of depression.
- Assess the evidence for the effects of lifestyle factors on depression.
- Apply and review integrative medicine approaches in a variety of patient cases with depression.
- Overview
- Treatment Approaches
<style=”margin-left: 2.5em;”=””>- Conventional Treatment Review
<style=”margin-left: 2.5em;”=””>- Lifestyle Factors
<style=”margin-left: 2.5em;”=””>- Botanical and Dietary Supplements
<style=”margin-left: 2.5em;”=””>- Mind-Body Techniques
<style=”margin-left: 2.5em;”=””>- Other Integrative Approaches
</style=”margin-left:></style=”margin-left:></style=”margin-left:></style=”margin-left:></style=”margin-left:> - Clinical Application
- Course Evaluation and Exam
Completion Requirements
Complete all the coursework, course evaluation, and the final test with a score of 70% or better. Upon successful completion, you will be able to print your certificate of completion.
Target Audience
This activity is intended for physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses, physician assistants, psychologists, and behavioral health professionals in any specialty. In addition, all healthcare professionals who have an interest in an integrative approach to healing are targeted.
When all of the above requirements are met (during the agreed-upon timeline), a link for the completion certificate is available to download and print anytime from “My Account.” If a specific credit type was selected at registration, your certificate will indicate earned credits.
This course does not constitute medical advice. Healthcare providers should exercise their own independent medical judgment.
All case studies and patient scenarios in this course are used for illustrative purposes. All depictions of persons (other than faculty) are models and not actual patients.
Je kunt de e-learning online bestellen. Binnen 3 werkdagen ontvang je via de mail de inlogcodes en kun je aan de slag. Bij de afronding van de e-learning ontvang je direct per mail je certificaat. Op het moment van inschrijving heb je 30 dagen om de e-learning af te ronden. Deze periode kan altijd kosteloos met 30 dagen extra worden verlengd.
AVIG: Deze e-learning is voor 7.25 punten algemeen medische nascholing (AMN), integrale nascholing (IG) of natuurgeneeskunde nascholing (NG) naar keuze bij de AVIG geaccrediteerd.
KNMG: Voor huisartsen, medische specialisten en andere artsen: Ondanks dat deze elearning voor Amerikaanse artsen geaccrediteerd is, heeft de KNMG geen accreditatiepunten toegekend. Wel is het mogelijk -zoals vaker bij internationale scholingen/congressen- om met het Amerikaanse certificaat dat je per mail ontvangt, bij je eigen wetenschappelijke vereniging een individueel verzoek tot accreditatie in te dienen.
Organisatie nascholing:
Drs. Simone Ardesch
Voor informatie mail:
Voor deze scholing zijn de algemene voorwaarden van de ASIMH van toepassing