Deze e-learning wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de University of Arizona. De e-learning is al jaren in de VS geaccrediteerd voor 18 AMA (Amerikaanse accreditatie) voor alle artsen. De kwaliteit is hoogstaand en er wordt gewerkt met verschillende werkvormen (interactieve casuistiek, quizen en video). De geschatte tijdsinvestering is 18 uur. Alle onderdelen zijn engels, zo ook de toelichting hieronder.

For over 100 years more Americans have died from cardiovascular disease (CVD) than any other cause. The costs of CVD in the United States are estimated at $240 billion per year. These are staggering statistics, given the fact that the majority of cardiovascular diseases can be prevented.

For too long, medical training has focused on the mechanical and pharmaceutical management of CVD with less emphasis on its prevention. Defining cardiac disease and health by concentrating on several millimeter areas of the heart is not appropriate. The heart has a “mind of its own” through its extensive neural and humoral connections, and multiple modalities can be utilized to heal the heart and to keep it healthy. Integrative medicine offers clinicians a broad array of tools for both patient care and personal health in this regard.

This course reviews how apply evidence-based integrative approaches to the prevention and mitigation of CVD. Besides current studies on nutrition and specific diets, this course includes other lifestyle factors, mind-body medicine, botanicals, supplements and Eastern medicine that support CVD health. The best treatments for hypertension, dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome are covered.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Review the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), its risks and the social determinants of health that affect prevalence and risks.
  2. Understand the common risk factors for CVD with special emphasis of prevention through integrative modalities.
  3. Learn how to better risk stratify CVD risk through the use of available CVD calculators.
  4. Develop a deep understanding of how nutrition affects heart health while learning the latest evidence behind specific diets.
  5. Dive into how to provide the best treatment for hypertension including how to recommend physical activity, mind body medicine, botanicals, supplements, acupuncture and pharmacotherapy.
  6. Expand your knowledge of dyslipidemia with information on advanced lipid testing besides reviewing latest evidence based lifestyle, exercise and mind body approaches long with latest guidelines on pharmacotherapy.
  7. Review the components of the metabolic syndrome while exploring lifestyle measures, supplements, botanical and mind body medicine.


  • Module 1: Introduction to Cardiovascular Health – Key concepts and components of intregrative approaches to cardiovascular health.
  • Module 2: Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health: An Introduction – Key concepts and components of integrative approaches to cardiovascular health.
  • Module 3: Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health: Macronutrients – A look at the macronutrients and beneficial foods associated with cardiovascular health.
  • Module 4: Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health: Specific Diets – A look at dietary patterns associated with cardiovascular health.
  • Module 5: Hypertension – Integrative medicine as it relates to hypertension.
  • Module 6: Dyslipdemia – Integrative medicine as it relates to dyslipidemia.
  • Module 7: Metabolic Syndrome – Integrative medicine as it relates to metabolic syndrome.
  • Module 8: Clinical Applications – Interactive visit with patients experiencing cardiovascular issues.
  • Course Evaluation – Complete the course evaluation then the exam to get your certificate for the course.
  • Course Exam – Test to acquire continuing education credit with a passing score of 70% or better.

Completion Requirements

Complete all the course work, course evaluation, and the final test with a score of 70% or better. Upon successful completion, you will be able to print your certificate of completion.

Target Audience

This enduring material educational program is intended for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, and dietitians with interest in the role of integrative medicine in cardiovascular health, as well as other healthcare professionals who have an interest in integrative health and medicine.


This course does not constitute medical advice. Healthcare providers should exercise their own independent medical judgment.

All case studies and patient scenarios in this course are used for illustrative purposes. All depictions of persons (other than faculty) are models and not actual patients.


Je kunt de e-learning online bestellen. Binnen 3 werkdagen ontvang je via de mail de inlogcodes en kun je aan de slag. Bij de afronding van de e-learning ontvang je direct per mail je certificaat. Op het moment van inschrijving heb je 30 dagen om de e-learning af te ronden. Deze periode kan altijd kosteloos met 30 dagen extra worden verlengd.


AVIG: Deze e-learning is voor 18 punten  algemeen medische nascholing (AMN), integrale nascholing (IG) of natuurgeneeskunde nascholing (NG) naar keuze bij de AVIG geaccrediteerd.

KNMG: Voor huisartsen, medische specialisten en andere artsen: Ondanks dat deze elearning voor Amerikaanse artsen geaccrediteerd is, heeft de KNMG geen accreditatiepunten toegekend. Wel is het mogelijk -zoals vaker bij internationale scholingen/congressen- om met het Amerikaanse certificaat dat je per mail ontvangt, bij je eigen wetenschappelijke vereniging een individueel verzoek tot accreditatie in te dienen.

Organisatie nascholing:

Drs. Simone Ardesch
Voor informatie mail:


Voor deze scholing zijn de algemene voorwaarden van de ASIMH van toepassing






Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:
  1. Review the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), its risks and the social determinants of health that affect prevalence and risks.
  2. Understand the common risk factors for CVD with special emphasis of prevention through integrative modalities.
  3. Learn how to better risk stratify CVD risk through the use of available CVD calculators.
  4. Develop a deep understanding of how nutrition affects heart health while learning the latest evidence behind specific diets.
  5. Dive into how to provide the best treatment for hypertension including how to recommend physical activity, mind body medicine, botanicals, supplements, acupuncture and pharmacotherapy.
  6. Expand your knowledge of dyslipidemia with information on advanced lipid testing besides reviewing latest evidence based lifestyle, exercise and mind body approaches long with latest guidelines on pharmacotherapy.
  7. Review the components of the metabolic syndrome while exploring lifestyle measures, supplements, botanical and mind body medicine.


  • Module 1: Introduction to Cardiovascular Health – Key concepts and components of intregrative approaches to cardiovascular health.
  • Module 2: Nutrition and Cardiovascular Health: An Introduction – Key concepts and components of integrative approaches to cardiovascular health.
  • Module 3: Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health: Macronutrients – A look at the macronutrients and beneficial foods associated with cardiovascular health.
  • Module 4: Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health: Specific Diets – A look at dietary patterns associated with cardiovascular health.
  • Module 5: Hypertension – Integrative medicine as it relates to hypertension.
  • Module 6: Dyslipdemia – Integrative medicine as it relates to dyslipidemia.
  • Module 7: Metabolic Syndrome – Integrative medicine as it relates to metabolic syndrome.
  • Module 8: Clinical Applications – Interactive visit with patients experiencing cardiovascular issues.
  • Course Evaluation – Complete the course evaluation then the exam to get your certificate for the course.
  • Course Exam – Test to acquire continuing education credit with a passing score of 70% or better.

Vivian A. Kominos, MD, FACC, ABOIM; Integrative Cardiologist at Kominos Integrative Cardiology, LLC, Clinical Assistant Professor, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine

Shelly Latte-Naor, MD; Faculty, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Founder, Mindful Minute at Mount Sinai West

Tamara Steinitz, MS, RDN; Professor Emeritus Utah State University Department of Nutrition & Food Sciences, Former Director Didactic Program in Dietetics Utah State University

Priscilla Abercrombie, RN, PhD, AHN-BC, Founder, Women’s Health & Healing Integrative Health Coach

Op zelf gekozen tijdstip te volgen: e-learning
18 accreditatiepunten AVIG en/of 18 CME (Amerikaanse artsen-punten)
Sprekers (o.a.):
o.a. medisch specialisten van de University of Arizona

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