Deze e-learning wordt aangeboden in samenwerking met de University of Arizona. De e-learning is al jaren in de VS geaccrediteerd voor 12 AMA (Amerikaanse accreditatie). De kwaliteit is hoogstaand en er wordt gewerkt met verschillende werkvormen (interactieve casuistiek, quizen en video). De geschatte tijdsinvestering is 12 uur. Alle onderdelen zijn engels, zo ook de toelichting hieronder.

Integrative Pain Management: Foundations

Pain is a multifaceted issue involving nutritional, psychosocial, biochemical, neurological and physical components. The conventional medical model typically addresses pain in a unidimensional mode — with medications. With the growing awareness of the opioid epidemic, clinicians and patients are seeking to decrease pharmaceutical use and are turning to alternative therapies. The first section of the Foundations course offers a review of the physiology of pain, factors affecting the transition from acute to chronic, current pharmaceutical strategies, and opioid deprescribing.

The second section of the course offers and in-depth look at a wide variety of integrative modalities including nutritional approaches, mind-body therapies, manual therapy techniques, acupuncture, and many more. This course will discuss the evidence for safety and benefit of these modalities in the settings of acute and chronic pain. Finally, the strength of evidence for specific pain syndromes will be covered.

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss strategies for de-prescribing opiate medications.
  2. Recognize the current state of affairs for the management for chronic pain in the United States.
  3. Discuss the role of Integrative Medicine in the management of pain.
  4. Review the pathophysiology of acute pain and chronic pain.
  5. Identify the risk factors that contribute to acute pain converting into chronic pain and discuss strategies for modification of these risk factors.
  6. Review the current risks and benefits of pharmaceuticals for the management of pain.
  7. Assess the evidence for the safety and benefit of nutrition, dietary supplements, herbal therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, hypnosis, mindfulness, guided imagery, biofeedback, energy medicine and movement and therapies for the management of pain.
  8. Recognize when modalities are indicated or contraindicated.
  9. Recognize effective integrative treatments based on the strength of evidence for pain states.


  • Introduction to Pain Management
  • Current Pharmacological Management
  • Post Surgical Pain
  • Central Sensitization / Autonomic Pain Syndromes
  • Topicals in Pain Management
  • Deprescribing Opioids
  • General Nutritional Approaches to Pain
  • Advanced Dietary Approaches to Pain
  • Dietary Supplements in Pain Management
  • Mind-Body Therapies for Pain
  • Clinical Hypnosis for Pain
  • TCM and Acupuncture
  • Manual Medicine
  • Other IM Therapies
  • Pulling It All Together
  • Course Evaluation
  • Exam

Target Audience

This online enduring material educational program is designed for physicians, advanced nurse practitioners, and physician assistants and other health care providers who have an interest integrative painmanagement.


  • Robert Bonakdar, MD, Director of Pain Management at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine and is the immediate past president of the American Academy of Pain Management.
  • Diana Bottari, DO
  • Ann Marie Chiasson, MD, Co-Director of the Fellowship, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson.
  • Steven Gurgevich, PhD, Clinical Asst Professor of Medicine and Director, The Mind-Body Clinic, Tucson, Arizona
  • Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, BCD. Psychotherapist, author and creator/owner of
  • Deborah Nesbitt, ARNP
  • Mark Pirtle, PhD
  • Mari Ricker, MD


Je kunt de e-learning online bestellen. Binnen 3 werkdagen ontvang je via de mail de inlogcodes en kun je aan de slag. Bij de afronding van de e-learning ontvang je direct per mail je certificaat. Op het moment van inschrijving heb je 30 dagen om de e-learning af te ronden. Deze periode kan altijd kosteloos met 30 dagen extra worden verlengd.


AVIG: Deze e-learning is voor 12 punten  algemeen medische nascholing (AMN), integrale nascholing (IG) of natuurgeneeskunde nascholing (NG) naar keuze bij de AVIG geaccrediteerd.

KNMG: Voor huisartsen, medische specialisten en andere artsen: Ondanks dat deze elearning voor Amerikaanse artsen geaccrediteerd is, heeft de KNMG geen accreditatiepunten toegekend. Wel is het mogelijk -zoals vaker bij internationale scholingen/congressen- om met het Amerikaanse certificaat (11 CME) dat je per mail ontvangt, bij je eigen wetenschappelijke vereniging een individueel verzoek tot accreditatie in te dienen.

Organisatie nascholing:

Drs. Simone Ardesch
Voor informatie mail:


Voor deze scholing zijn de algemene voorwaarden van de ASIMH van toepassing






Course Objectives

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  1. Discuss strategies for de-prescribing opiate medications.
  2. Recognize the current state of affairs for the management for chronic pain in the United States.
  3. Discuss the role of Integrative Medicine in the management of pain.
  4. Review the pathophysiology of acute pain and chronic pain.
  5. Identify the risk factors that contribute to acute pain converting into chronic pain and discuss strategies for modification of these risk factors.
  6. Review the current risks and benefits of pharmaceuticals for the management of pain.
  7. Assess the evidence for the safety and benefit of nutrition, dietary supplements, herbal therapies, Traditional Chinese Medicine, hypnosis, mindfulness, guided imagery, biofeedback, energy medicine and movement and therapies for the management of pain.
  8. Recognize when modalities are indicated or contraindicated.
  9. Recognize effective integrative treatments based on the strength of evidence for pain states.


  • Introduction to Pain Management
  • Current Pharmacological Management
  • Post Surgical Pain
  • Central Sensitization / Autonomic Pain Syndromes
  • Topicals in Pain Management
  • Deprescribing Opioids
  • General Nutritional Approaches to Pain
  • Advanced Dietary Approaches to Pain
  • Dietary Supplements in Pain Management
  • Mind-Body Therapies for Pain
  • Clinical Hypnosis for Pain
  • TCM and Acupuncture
  • Manual Medicine
  • Other IM Therapies
  • Pulling It All Together
  • Course Evaluation
  • Exam
  • Robert Bonakdar, MD, Director of Pain Management at the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine and is the immediate past president of the American Academy of Pain Management.
  • Diana Bottari, DO
  • Ann Marie Chiasson, MD, Co-Director of the Fellowship, Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Arizona College of Medicine-Tucson.
  • Steven Gurgevich, PhD, Clinical Asst Professor of Medicine and Director, The Mind-Body Clinic, Tucson, Arizona
  • Belleruth Naparstek, LISW, BCD. Psychotherapist, author and creator/owner of
  • Deborah Nesbitt, ARNP
  • Mark Pirtle, PhD
  • Mari Ricker, MD

Op zelf gekozen tijdstip te volgen: e-learning
12 accreditatiepunten AVIG en/of 12 CME (Amerikaanse artsen-punten)
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